Exclusive privileges of participants

تاریخ ثبت: 2024/12/11

According to the memorandum of international cooperation of the permanent secretariat of the conference, including scieropub publications (Science report online publications), as an international scientific promotion institution with extensive support from the United Nations Sustainable Development Program and the European Union Science Development Office, the following services will be provided for researchers.
1. Obtaining Scierocert international research certificate
2. Publication of the article in Scieropub International Publications
3. Obtaining the code (DOI) IDENTIFIER DIGITALOBJECT for the article
4. Article profile in Google Scholar
5. Publishing the article in the Book Chapter
6. Publication of special articles of Thomson Reuters database ISI in English language
7. Publication of special articles of the scopus database of Elsevier Publications in English
8. Publishing special articles of the ISC magazine database in English
9. Sending a commemorative plaque after the event
10. Sending the statue after the event